Property Sciences offers the full range of real estate valuations, research, and consulting services:

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Litigation Support

Expert Testimony

Diminution in Value

Damage Assessment

Stigmatized Value

Cost to Cure

Major Transaction and Project Financing Services

Profit Improvement Studies

Acquisition Strategies

Disposition Strategies

Evaluation of Financing Proposals

Preparation of Financing Package

Sale/Leaseback Recommendations

Financial Analysis

Feasibility Studies

Cash Flow & Income Projections

Financial Rate of Return Analysis

Sensitivity Testing

Cost/Benefit Analysis

Investment Transactions

Asset Redeployment

Investment Analysis

Buy/Sell/Hold Analysis

Due Diligence Considerations

Deal Evaluation

Development Services

Pro Forma Analysis

New Construction Cost Analysis

Highest and Best Use Studies

Project Approval Coordination

Concept Development

Financial Structuring

Market Demand and Competition Analysis

Market Studies

Segmentation Analysis

Business Opportunity Analysis

Expenditure Patterns

Consumer/Opinion Surveys

Site Selection



Litigation Support Overview

Property Sciences is a leading provider of litigation support services, working with the top law firms nationwide.

Property Sciences has over 30 years of professional expertise and experience in providing valuations of commercial, industrial and residential properties. As unbiased and independent advisors, we represent leading public and private real estate entities and stakeholders, including law firms, REITs, financial institutions, investment banks, opportunity funds, insurance companies, hedge funds, pension advisors and owners/developers.

Whether analyzing financial data, unraveling difficult economic issues or navigating a complex litigation terrain, the Property Science’s team of real estate professionals provides expert support to resolve legal disputes. We provide support from early case assessment and discovery through final resolution, relying on real-world strategic and operational experience, strong academic and professional credentials, and extensive practical knowledge of real estate customs and practices, and damages analysis.

Litigation Support Services include:

  • Advice and objective analyses leading to an improved understanding of the issues involved in a case and supply expert testimony about critical issues in the litigation
  • Testimony concerning industry standards, customs and practices in order to evaluate the legal liability of the parties
  • Forensics analysis to ascertain the facts and determine the historic context of the disputed issues of economic effects to provide a court with an objective measure of value and damages, if any
  • Advice to counsel including the evaluation of the arguments of opposing experts, assisting with the development of lines of questioning or specific questions for use in expert or percipient witness depositions and serving as real-time advisors to counsel to evaluate the responses of deponents during live deposition testimony
  • Trial support services, including jury consulting, graphic design of courtroom visuals and technology support

Expert Opinions

Property Sciences has extensive experience in providing commercial, industrial and residential appraisal review services. These services are required to provide an expert opinion on compliance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), on the appropriateness of the appraisal and the credibility of the opinion of value.

Expert Testimony

The complex nature of real estate investments and the large flows of capital associated with real estate lending and development make it inevitable that disputes will arise. When these disputes cannot be resolved through alternative means, litigation may be the only way to bring the matter to closure. Property Sciences has extensive experience presenting and defending its expert conclusions and opinions in depositions and trial testimony.

Portfolio Analysis and Stress Testing

Property Sciences serves as an independent source to assist institutions in portfolio review. For a nominal per-transaction fee, we will review a portfolio of properties by geographic market and asset type for the purpose of pinpointing under-performing properties and risk associated with these assets. Using regional and national asset performance statistics, portfolio-level stress tests are used to quantify the impact of changing economic conditions on assets, earnings and capital of potential problem properties.

For more in-depth analysis on these properties, we offer low-cost reports under our Asset Watch program. Report categorizations include: construction and land development, multifamily, farmland, commercial (office, industrial, hotel, etc.), gas stations, car washes, self-storage and residential care facilities.

Training Programs

Property Sciences offers on-going training programs to your staff in order for them to better understand and manage appraisal risk. Our straightforward seminars can be tailored to incorporate your specific company needs. Programs include single-family, 2-4 units, and reviewing procedures that educate underwriters, processors, and account representatives.


PropSci360 is a commercial property valuation resource, created by Property Sciences that estimates primary real estate indicators of four property types within 18 major U.S. markets. PropSci360 targets properties that are below Class A quality, which is consistent with the majority of product in the various markets.

PropSci360 targets properties that are below Class A quality, which is consistent with the majority of product in the various markets. PropSci360 quarterly estimates are derived from a variety of data sources, including its own proprietary information of market activity, national and local commercial real estate brokerages and other third-party sources. Indicators are derived from analysis of individual market transactions, both closed sales and listings, in addition to figures published by the various sources.